Interviews & FAQs
​In the attempt to help Indie Authors, I'm so excited that my first interview is with the incredible Shay Savage. I have read a lot of Shay's work and I have to say, she's always left me touched in one way or another. I definitely have some favorites of hers and look forward to reading her published work, because she really is that good. So, let's see what she has to say as she answers a few questions for me, and then you'll get to see her new book. Otherwise Alone will be free on Amazon March 1-3. Links are below. Enjoy!
- Jenn
Katiebird interviews: Shay Savage and Evan Arden
Checking myself in the door reflection one more time, I step inside the lobby, and make my way to the 676 restaurant and bar in the Omni Hotel. It’s right on Michigan Ave., so it was easy for me to take 147 bus from my home. I am so grateful that Shay agreed to come back to Chicago, and was able to pull some strings to get Evan Arden to meet us here.
Q: Where do you get the inspiration for your stories?
A: For the most part, they just come to me. I don't sleep a lot, and when I'm lying in bed not sleeping, I am usually writing in my head. Once a plot or character forms in my head often enough, I have to write it down or it starts bugging me.

Q: What is your writing process? Do you outline then write, or write some then do an outline, or just let the story happen?
Q: Will you ever write Transcendence rfom Beh's point of view?
A: I never say never, but it's not in my current plans. For me, the point of Transcendence was Ehd's experiences without the ability for what we consider "normal" communication methods. Most of Beh's experience can be inferred through Ehd's eyes. The reader might not know the specifics, but the emotional reactions are clear to Ehd. I think writing it all from Beh's POV would actually end up detracting from the Transcendence experience.

A: A little of both. Usually I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen as far as major plot points, as well as how the story will end. The characters often come up with a few surprises for me, so things will be added, removed, or changed part way through as it seems to fit.
Q: The Surviving Raine and Evan Arden series have a bit of a crossover. What's the correct reading order?

A: Each series can be read separately without missing anything. There are two books in the Raine and Bastian series (Surviving Raine and Bastian's Storm), and six total in the Evan Arden series. You can read them in the order they were published OR what I would consider the most "chronological" order based on the series.
Published order:
Otherwise Alone
Surviving Raine
Otherwise Occupied
Uncockblockable (optional read)
Otherwise Unharmed
Bastian's Storm
Chronological order:
Otherwise Alone
Otherwise Occupied
Uncockblockable (optional read)
Otherwise Unharmed
Surviving Raine
Bastian's Storm
Q: How much and what type of research do you do to ensure your stories read so authentically?
A: It depends on the story. Most of it comes from my head and personal experience, but if I need to research something, I definitely dig around on the internet quite a bit before I decide what to put in there.
Q: Why do you write so much from a man’s point of view?
A: I just prefer it. There's so much out there from a woman's point of view, but not near as much from a man's. It makes it a little more unique. I also think women enjoy reading a man's point of view - it makes us think maybe we understand them a little. :)
Q: Will you be writing sequels to your stories?
A: If the mood strikes me, yes. More often than not, once a story is "done" in my head I am also done with the characters and don't usually want to go back to them. I prefer to move forward with someone new.
Q: Do you sometimes have difficulty writing a scene several chapters in because the characters seem to have evolved?
A: If the character evolves, he or she is probably telling me the story, for all practical purposes. If anything, it makes writing easier/faster.
Q: Why do you write?
A: I can't help it. The stories are in there, buzzing around in my head, and they keep playing like a broken record until I write them down. If I didn't write them, I'd probably go nuts. :)